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Business Talk 24-7

Curated Collection Of The Best Interviews From Our Pensacola Studio

Lila DavidsonI retired to Pensacola Beach in March 2003 after 25 years of Owning and Operating full service salons in FL and GA.

Began managing my first property when I moved from Portofino to a beach house in 2004. Moved in on Thursday and evacuated from Ivan on Tuesday. Over a period of 3 years between 2004 and 2007 my X-husband accumulated several properties that I decorated, managed as vacation rentals and even cleaned them myself. Like so many other stories, after the real estate market crash of ’08 we were forced to liquidate all the properties, and by 2009, with all but one sold, and our home in foreclosure, we moved to KY.

In July of 2011 my X-husband had a massive stroke and I went back to work. With one remaining property and one owned by a friend that had witnessed the way I had managed our personal properties, and believed in me, I started building Davidson Enterprises. By 2014 I was virtually managing 7 properties from KY and started my own cleaning company, BB’s Clean Team. By Oct of 2014 it was time to moved back to Pensacola Beach.

Today, just 2 years later BeachBumBB, and BB’s Clean Team manage 14 properties. Through the process of mentoring other young women, with entrepreneurial spirits, and that believe in me and my management style of putting the guest first and being the best, our goal is to double the business again over the next 2 years.

In the meantime, with my team in place, and their support, my vision for the H.O.P.E. foundation became a reality in April of 2015. Harnessing Opportunity and Power of Education work is to partner with other organizations to fill the growing gap in Arts in Education, which I believe to be the most effective way to inspire and motivate children to have the will to learn and stay in school. Harnessing Opportunity and Power of Education qualified to be a 501c non-profit public charity. With vision, a lot of hard work, faith, courage, and desire to accomplish the goal to serve the children and impact the entire community through significant cultural events, H.O.P.E. had an amazing impact on 5 schools and 800 children, through 5 educational outreach programs.

I love the HOPE acronym for Harnessing Opportunity and Power of Education, because of my faith, and belief in Christ, there is always hope. Everything I have is his, and especially my desire to serve, my courage, boldness, faith, and strength all come from him.

There is a quote I read recently read that says “If you are fortunate, you will have a little misfortune.” I say, if you are truly blessed in this life you will loose everything you possess. When that happens you have 2 choices: you can be bitter, depressed and give up or you can continue to have faith and believe that God works all things to the good because you love him. Through that relationship you will find wisdom and truth and discover what is truly important and worth more than silver and gold.

You will find that your personal relationship with God comes first, and relationships with your family, friends, and a desire to help others less fortunate will become your most prized possessions. You recognize that everything in creation is his anyway, and you can confidently give him everything he wants. Your heart.

If you are working for the money, you will never find the success, fulfillment or the happiness you are seeking. If you struggle to learn from the lessons of this life, always trying to choose to do what is right, loving God, your neighbor, and yourself, you will find the peace and joy he promises, and he will provide all that you need.

I can’t give you my bio without giving God glory.